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Showing posts from May, 2016

Generate new token on each request in MVC Ajax post call (Custom Code)

Generate new token on each request in MVC Ajax post call (Custom Code) Step: 1 In controller add below Code to generate new random token and store it in the session protected string GenerateCSRFToken() {   RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider ( "Add Your Salt String" );   var tokenData = new byte [64];  rng.GetBytes(tokenData);   var token = Convert .ToBase64String(tokenData);  Session[ "CSRFtoken" ] = token.Trim();  return token; } Step: 2 In controller generate new token and pass it to view using ViewData. public ActionResult Index() {  ViewData[ "CSRFtoken" ] = GenerateCSRFToken();  return View(); } Step: 3 In View create hidden field and assign ViewData value to it. < input type ="hidden" value =" @ ViewData[ "CSRFtoken" ] " id ="hdnCSRFtoken" /> Step: 4 In View read and pass the hidden field value as method parameter/

Password Protected File Validation for(.doc/.docx/.xls/.xlsx/.pdf) file types

Password Protected File Validation for(.doc/.docx/.xls/.xlsx/.pdf) file types protected void btnUpload_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)         {             //Check if File Upload control has file or not             if (FileUpload1.HasFile)             {                 //Get Uploaded file bytes                 var bytes = FileUpload1.FileBytes;                 //Get Uploaded File Extension                 FileInfo objFileInfo = new FileInfo (FileUpload1.FileName);                 string StrFileExt = objFileInfo.Extension.ToUpper();                                 //Based on the File extension call appropriate user defined method.                 //For PDF file type                 if (StrFileExt == ".PDF" )                 {                     //Upload and save file in server temp folder                     var newfilename = DateTime .Now.GetHashCode() + FileUpload1.FileName;                     FileUpload1.SaveAs(Syst